12-Week & 24-Week Courses aka Working-Holiday Visa Course

Study with Meiji Academy for either 3 months or 6 months and get a huge discount on our standard course! This special course is one of our most popular long-term courses due to its flexibility and easy enrollment. Anybody from a country with a visa waiver agreement with Japan or a working holiday visa is eligible for this course. In most cases, no special visa will be required to stay in Japan for up to 6 months. Depending on your nationality a 90-day tourist visa extension can even be granted while you are residing in Japan.


Study for 3 months (12 weeks) with us for only ¥370,000. This is a whopping 7% we will give you. Studying with us is addictive and we are happy to offer you for only an extra ¥310,000 for another 3 months of fun with us. This will give you a total discount of 14%. Please note, that this course is not available on a student visa. Our Student Visa Course is currently being revised, and we won't offer any further sponsorship for student intakes from April 2025 onwards. We will post any changes and news about our student visa intake at a future date here again. Until then stay tuned.


20 lessons / week **
Monday-Friday (4 lessons/day)
Courses start every Monday, All Year Round
Open to all levels
Add Modules & Private Lessons
Complete Beginners start on 1st Monday of month
¥370,000 / 3-Month Course
¥680,000 / 6-Month Course
* Application, Study, and Material Fee are not included.
** If a level has only 2 students, classes get upgraded to private or semi-private with 15 lessons/week.

Working Holiday Visa

The Working Holiday Visa is a once-in-a-lifetime chance for young people to study, work, and live in Japan for a whole year. It was established between Japan and several countries around the world to promote bilateral relationships and promote cultural exchange among all society levels. With the Working Holiday Visa, you have the complete freedom to work in almost any job in Japan and freely enroll in any course that we offer. Albeit it comes with a range of opportunities, you have to meet certain criteria to be eligible for it.
  • You have to be between 18 and 30 years old (35 for some countries)
  • Not accompanied by children or a spouse
  • Proof of Financial Funds of at least $2,000
  • Be a citizen of one of the participating countries below
Meiji Academy
Australia New Zealand Canada South Korea France
Germany UK Ireland Denmark Taiwan
Hong Kong Norway Portugal Poland Slovakia
Austria Hungary Spain Argentina Chile
Iceland Czech Republic Lithuania Sweden Estonia
Netherlands Uruguay Finland Latvia More Info Here
Please note, application procedures vary among countries and change frequently, hence consult directly with your nearest Japanese Embassy.

Which one to choose?

Working Holiday Visa

Student Visa

No Deadline, you can apply anytime
You have to apply at least 5 months before
Total Freedom, no study restrictions or compulsory class attendance
Minimum 80% class attendance or your visa will be cancelled
The application process is very easy and quick
The application procedure is very complicated
Proof of Financial Funds of $2,000
Proof of Financial Funds of at least $13,000
You can only use it once in a lifetime
You can use it several times and extend your visa
1 year stay in Japan
Up to 2 years stay in Japan, in some exceptions further extension possible
You can go to university or enter a professional training college in Japan
You can apply for a full-time job in Japan and switch to a work visa

Long-Term Courses FAQ

Do I need a visa?

If you are from a visa waiver country you will automatically get a 90-day tourist visa when you arrive in Japan. Depending on your nationality you might be able to extend your stay for another 90 days or you could re-enter Japan before your current visa expires, also known as a visa run.

Is a visa run illegal in Japan?

No, it is completely legal. In most cases, visa waiver holders can legally reside as tourists in Japan for a maximum period of 180 days per year. Visa run means, leaving Japan during your 90-day period and returning to Japan, which will automatically reset the count stays to zero again.

Can I work in Japan?

If you do not have a valid work visa or equivalent, the answer is no. It is illegal to engage in any paid activities in Japan. However, an unpaid professional internship, voluntary or research-based activities are completely legal and not considered work.

When will my 3-month course extension start?

Ideally the following week after your 3-Month Courses ended. In the case, you need to leave and re-enter Japan, we can delay your extension by a maximum of 1 week (7 days). If you delay it further than a week, it would not count as a 3-month extension any longer, yet would be treated as a new 3-Month Course.

Do 6-month student visas exist? Do you offer them?

Yes, they indeed exist, yet they are very uncommon due to intense documentation. Most Japanese language schools need a special permit for short-term student visa issuances. Our school stopped issuing student visas from April 2025 until further notice. However, you can still study with us for a full year on a Working Holiday Visa.

I need more information on available visa options.

If you haven't done already, please check out our detailed visa information page. It covers the majority of the most frequently asked questions.