Escola de Língua Japonesa nº 1 no Japão

Meiji é confiada por vários órgãos governamentais e associações educacionais globais, e recebeu diversos prêmios ao longo dos anos. Nós continuamente nos esforçamos para manter um alto padrão de qualidade para apoiar e servir eficazmente nossos alunos. Abaixo está uma pequena lista de algumas realizações.

Diversos Prêmios Prestigiados

Community Choice Awards badge for best language school in 2021

Melhor Escola de Línguas 2021

Community Choice Awards badge for best language school in 2020

Melhor Escola de Línguas 2020

Community Choice Awards badge for best academics in 2020

Melhores Académicos 2020 badge for top rated language school' s organization in 2020

Melhor Organização 2020 badge for top rated language school's online program in 2020

Melhor Programa Online 2020 badge for top rated language school' s organization in 2019

Melhor Organização 2019

Acreditações e Associações

Logo of NAFSA

NAFSA - Associação de Educadores Internacionais

Fundada em 1948, a NAFSA é a maior organização sem fins lucrativos do mundo para educação e intercâmbio internacional. A Meiji Academy é a primeira escola de línguas e um dos poucos membros da NAFSA no Japão. O nosso objetivo é promover uma educação global inclusiva através de uma forte formação, recursos e defesa.
Logo of Bildungsurlaub

Bildungsurlaub - licença de educação paga na Alemanha

Somos a única escola de línguas totalmente reconhecida no Japão por todos os estados federais alemães a fornecer licença educacional financiada pelo governo chamada Licença de formação por até duas semanas.
Logo of Bildungskarenz

Bildungskarenz - licença para estudos paga na Áustria

A Meiji é a primeira e única instituição académica no Japão que é reconhecida pelo governo austríaco para licença de educação paga chamada Licença de formação para todos os estudantes austríacos entre 2-12 meses.
Logo of CSN

CSN - Conselho sueco de financiamento de estudantes

A Centrala studiestödsnämnden é a ajuda oficial do governo sueco para estudos na Suécia e no estrangeiro. A Academia Meiji é totalmente acreditada pelo CSN, permitindo que os estudantes suecos recebam apoio financeiro para estudar connosco.

Vozes dos estudantes

Meiji Academy
VALENTINE, 17 Switzerland
3-Month Course + Maneiras japonesas nos negócios, Cultura tradicional & Hotel and Tourism Internship in Tokyo

At Meiji Academy I learned a lot about Japanese Business Manners that prepared me perfectly for my internship. I’m really glad Meiji took good care of me throughout my stay and also placed me with an amazing Host Family.

Meiji Academy
6-Month Course + Japonês de conversação & Cultura tradicional

Out of all the things I did during my study-abroad with Meiji, my favourite part was learning Japanese directly while speaking with my host family. They really shaped my experience to be as great as it was by opening their home to me and making me feel like a family member.

Meiji Academy
NIEK, 17 Netherlands
4-Week Course + Cultura Pop & Cultura tradicional

Fukuoka is a very big city to which I’m not really used to. However, my stay was amazing thanks to Meiji’s friendly staff and support throughout my stay. I think it’s a great place to study Japanese.

Meiji Academy
FRANCISCO, 20 Mexico
6-Month Course

This place became like a second home to me. As a future Language Teacher, I consider making the right choice when it comes to language schools immensely important, and thankfully I can say I made the right decision with Meiji Academy.

Meiji Academy
HYEKYEONG, 25 South Korea
3-Month Course + Aulas particulares & Cultura Pop

Fukuoka is my favorite city and Meiji made me discover new things about the city everyday. If you want to experience Japanese nature, you just can take a train for like 30 minutes and you can see beautiful scenery.

Meiji Academy
CHIWEI, 21 China
3-Month Course + Aulas particulares, Maneiras japonesas nos negócios & Estágio no Japão

Meiji’s staff was super friendly and accommodating during my stay. I just came here and had no idea what I should do for the internship, but with their help, I gradually adapted to this new environment and learned so much.

Meiji Academy
CARLET, 23 Philippines
3-Week Course + Aulas particulares, Japonês de conversação & Cultura tradicional

I love how much more relaxed Fukuoka is than the bigger cities. The people are very warm and friendly towards foreigners and the food is amazing! My favorite is HAKATA RAMEN!

Meiji Academy
TOBIAS, 22 Germany
4-Week Course + Maneiras japonesas nos negócios & Estágio no Japão

After my initial interview, I had a great offer from an international company, where I was able to face a lot of great tasks. Seeing how project management is approached and dealt with in a Japanese company definitely broadened my horizon.

Meiji Academy
MARIANNE, 25 Switzerland
3-Week Course + Cultura tradicional

The teachers at Meiji are very kind. I liked the classes with all teachers, because they explain everything very clearly. When we had some questions beside the text book, they always took time for me to help me with anything. Especially Komiya-sensei is a great teacher!! :)

Meiji Academy
MARK, 22 Russia
4-Week Course + Japonês de conversação & Cultura tradicional

Since I didn't know anyone there, my biggest fear was not to find friends. But I met people from all around the world and made many Japanese friends. I even improved my English :D I’ll definitely come back again!

Meiji Academy
3-Month Course + Japonês de conversação & Cultura tradicional

Coming to Japan was always a dream for me, but I was kind of hesitating to make this big step. When I came across Meiji everything changed. Their very responsive, detailed replies and thorough support throughout my stay made Japan an unforgettable memory for me.

Meiji Academy
STEPHANIE, 28 France
6-Week Course + Japonês de conversação & Cultura tradicional

While there were many other schools in larger cities such as Tokyo and Osaka, I was keen to experience the “Real Japanese Lifestyle” by choosing a less known place for tourists. I was surprised to learn through Meiji Academy what a large and vibrant city Fukuoka is.

Mais testemunhos

Porquê a Academia Meiji?

Turmas pequenas
Sem prazos, com total flexibilidade
Todos os níveis aceites
Comunidade é o nosso coração
Actividades culturais divertidas
Escola de Línguas Premiada