Kredit Universiti
Sepanjang dua dekad yang lalu, kami telah bekerjasama dengan beberapa universiti dan kolej di seluruh dunia untuk memenuhi keperluan antarabangsa bagi program pengajian di luar negara.
BACA LAGIMeiji dipercayai oleh beberapa badan kerajaan dan persatuan pendidikan global, dan telah menerima pelbagai anugerah sepanjang tahun-tahun yang lalu. Kami sentiasa berusaha untuk mengekalkan standard kualiti yang tinggi bagi menyokong dan melayani pelajar kami dengan berkesan. Di bawah adalah senarai kecil beberapa pencapaian.
Ditubuhkan pada tahun 1948, NAFSA ialah organisasi bukan untung terbesar di dunia untuk pendidikan dan pertukaran antarabangsa. Akademi Meiji ialah sekolah bahasa pertama dan salah satu daripada beberapa ahli NAFSA di Jepun. Matlamat kami adalah untuk mempromosikan pendidikan global yang inklusif melalui latihan, sumber dan advokasi yang kukuh.
nafsa.orgKami adalah satu-satunya sekolah bahasa yang diiktiraf sepenuhnya di Jepun oleh semua negeri Jerman persekutuan yang menyediakan cuti pendidikan yang dibiayai kerajaan yang dipanggil Bildungsurlaub sehingga dua minggu.
bildungsurlaub.deMeiji ialah institusi akademik pertama dan satu-satunya di Jepun yang diiktiraf oleh kerajaan Austria untuk cuti pendidikan berbayar yang dipanggil Bildungskarenz untuk semua pelajar Austria antara 2-12 bulan.
ams.atCentrala studiestödsnämnden ialah bantuan rasmi kerajaan Sweden untuk pengajian di Sweden dan luar negara. Akademi Meiji diiktiraf sepenuhnya oleh CSN, membolehkan pelajar Sweden menerima sokongan kewangan untuk belajar dengan kami.
csn.seSepanjang dua dekad yang lalu, kami telah bekerjasama dengan beberapa universiti dan kolej di seluruh dunia untuk memenuhi keperluan antarabangsa bagi program pengajian di luar negara.
BACA LAGIAt Meiji Academy I learned a lot about Japanese Business Manners that prepared me perfectly for my internship. I’m really glad Meiji took good care of me throughout my stay and also placed me with an amazing Host Family.
Out of all the things I did during my study-abroad with Meiji, my favourite part was learning Japanese directly while speaking with my host family. They really shaped my experience to be as great as it was by opening their home to me and making me feel like a family member.
Fukuoka is a very big city to which I’m not really used to. However, my stay was amazing thanks to Meiji’s friendly staff and support throughout my stay. I think it’s a great place to study Japanese.
This place became like a second home to me. As a future Language Teacher, I consider making the right choice when it comes to language schools immensely important, and thankfully I can say I made the right decision with Meiji Academy.
Fukuoka is my favorite city and Meiji made me discover new things about the city everyday. If you want to experience Japanese nature, you just can take a train for like 30 minutes and you can see beautiful scenery.
Meiji’s staff was super friendly and accommodating during my stay. I just came here and had no idea what I should do for the internship, but with their help, I gradually adapted to this new environment and learned so much.
I love how much more relaxed Fukuoka is than the bigger cities. The people are very warm and friendly towards foreigners and the food is amazing! My favorite is HAKATA RAMEN!
After my initial interview, I had a great offer from an international company, where I was able to face a lot of great tasks. Seeing how project management is approached and dealt with in a Japanese company definitely broadened my horizon.
The teachers at Meiji are very kind. I liked the classes with all teachers, because they explain everything very clearly. When we had some questions beside the text book, they always took time for me to help me with anything. Especially Komiya-sensei is a great teacher!! :)
Since I didn't know anyone there, my biggest fear was not to find friends. But I met people from all around the world and made many Japanese friends. I even improved my English :D I’ll definitely come back again!
Coming to Japan was always a dream for me, but I was kind of hesitating to make this big step. When I came across Meiji everything changed. Their very responsive, detailed replies and thorough support throughout my stay made Japan an unforgettable memory for me.
While there were many other schools in larger cities such as Tokyo and Osaka, I was keen to experience the “Real Japanese Lifestyle” by choosing a less known place for tourists. I was surprised to learn through Meiji Academy what a large and vibrant city Fukuoka is.