Eligible Passport Holders

Studying in Japan can be very challenging for students holding certain passports. The good news is, in theory almost any country is eligible to apply for studies in Japan. The bad news is, that no Japanese language school or academic institution in Japan is fully qualified, legally capable, or specialized in accepting students from ANY COUNTRY. Meiji Academy is no exception and we have to fully oblige to Japan’s legal system. Nevertheless, Meiji Academy is actively working together with the Japan Ministry of Justice to get applications for new passport holders. In the meantime, we will continue offering students who cannot qualify for a visa with us the option to study online.

Non-Visa Waiver Countries that qualify for Meiji’s Student Visa Application (April 2024)

EuropeLatin AmericaThe CaribbeanAsiaOceania
Bosnia and Herzegovina Peru Haiti Armenia Fiji
Belarus Colombia Dominican Republic Georgia Samoa
Ukraine Bolivia Cuba Azerbaijan Micronesia
Paraguay Jamaica Saudi Arabia Solomon Islands
Ecuador Trinidad and Tobago Indonesia Vanuatu
Venezuela Bahamas Kiribati
Guyana Belize Marshall Islands
Suriname Barbados Palau
Saint Kitts and Nevis Nauru
Antigua and Barbuda Tuvalu