You’ve got the choice!

One thing that we are famous for is full flexibility and freedom to customize your studies with us. Meiji Academy offers a wide variety of courses, packages, and modules for you to choose from.

All Courses at a Glance

標準課程Summer Course冬季課程日語會話日本商務禮儀傳統文化流行文化6個月課程
Lesson / Week 20 27 27 4 4 6 6 20
Length 1-12 weeks 2-12 weeks 2-8 weeks 1-8 weeks 1-4 weeks 1-4 weeks 1-2 weeks 24 weeks
Writing & Reading
Listening & Speaking
Cultural Activity
Course Type課程 套裝 套裝 模組 模組 模組 模組 課程

Discover Meiji’s Courses & Modules

了解日語將為您提供許多機會,讓您能夠更融入與日本人和日本社會。 本課程以明治學院獨家教學方法和理念為核心,並注重於實用日語交流,讓您能夠在日常生活中運用所學的語言知識 踏出第一步,迎接改變生活的新體驗,就從與人互動的跨文化探索開始。
掌握溝通的藝術對於與日本人互動的各個方面都至關重要。 本模組為專門的課程,注重於於對話、互動和現實生活場景,幫助您應對在日本的日常挑戰。
完全沉浸在日本的文化精神中。 你將參與各種日本傳統藝術、手工藝和活動,如劍練習、和服穿著、茶道等等。
想與日本人做生意甚至在日本工作嗎? - 那麼這個模組絕對適合您! 透過角色扮演、敬語練習和理解商業思維,獲得熟悉日本企業文化的寶貴技能。
體驗日本有趣又瘋狂的一面。從可愛的女僕咖啡館、瘋狂的動漫與桌遊派對;和我們在一起絕對不會感到無聊! 哦,對了,還有著名的馬桶博物館......保證有超乎想像的發現^^
按照自己的步調學習,並與老師一起專注於您認為需要進一步改善的任何特定學習領域。 無論是文法、口說、漢字寫作還是日語能力考試準備,由您決定!

Compare Long-Term Courses & Seasonal Packages

3-Month & 6-Month Courses
Study with us for either 3 months or 6 months and get a huge discount! This special course is one of our most popular long-term courses due to its flexibility and easy enrollment. Working Holiday Visa Holders and Gap Year Teenagers are very welcomed!
Bildungsurlaub (Deutschland)
We are the only institution in Japan that is fully licensed and accredited by all German Federal States to provide Bildungsurlaub solutions across Japan. Freilich mia san helfa! :)
Mehr Infos
Bildungskarenz (Österreich)
We are proud to announce that we are the first and only School in Japan that is fully recognized by the Austrian state for offering courses in accordance with Bildungskarenz.
Details gibt’s hier

Course Comparison FAQ

Can I customize my study program individually?

Yes, for sure! That’s the beauty of Meiji Academy! We are super flexible and allow you to customize your own unique study program.

Can I study at different locations and combine different modules during my study period?

Yes, of course. We encourage active Meijin students to explore different parts of Japan with us together. For instance, you could start studying in Hokkaido for a month, jump the next month to Fukuoka and then fly back to Sapporo. Sounds fun?-We have former students who can ensure that!

Is it possible to only enroll in modules only and not choose any Japanese language studies?

No, that's not possible. Our prime focus is being a language school, hence you will have to include some type of Japanese language studies overall. We can assure you, studying Japanese with us is fun!

I’m still unsure which program and location to choose…

No worries. Just start by filling out our completely non-binding study estimate first, so we can continue the talk by email and further advise you :)